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Ответ #10: 20 09 2010, 03:08:52 ( ссылка на этот ответ )

Twenty Two Benefic Astrological Talismans from Picatrix

The Picatrix

Book I, Chapter 5
translated by Robert Thomas

If you desire to fashion images to place love between two people, and that of them love and affection should be made strong and strengthened, fashion images of the two [people] in their likenesses. And let this be done in the hour of Jupiter or Venus, and let the North Node [be] placed in the Ascendant, and let the Moon [be] with Venus or aspecting her with a good aspect, and let the lord of the 7th house aspect the lord of the Ascendant with a trine or sextile aspect. And after this, I say join the images together face to face, and bury them in a different place - that is to say, [the place] of that other who is beloved by the magician . And it shall be as you desire.

An image to generate peace and love between two [people]. Fashion two images under the Ascendant of the questioner, and make fortunate the Ascendant and 10th house, and remove infortunes from the first house, and place the lord of the 10th house fortunately and aspecting itself to the lord of the Ascendant by a trine or sextile aspect.

And there is a second image that may be fashioned: if it is done for two friends, place the eleventh house in the Ascendant of it as aforesaid in the first image ; and if you wish to generate love between a man and woman, place the Ascendant of the second image as the seventh house from the first . And form it so that the Lord of the Ascendant of he who seeks love shall aspect the lord of the Ascendant of the other [person] with a good aspect and that they are well received of one another. After this join the images and bury them in the place of the one who is sought; and they will be friends that were apart before.

An image to place love between two people. Fashion two images with the 1st face of Cancer rising, and Venus therein, and the Moon in the 1st face of Taurus in the eleventh house. And when you have made these images, join each to the other face to face and bury them in the house of the other . And they will care for each other and have an enduring love between them. And these are called figures of alteration, and Ptolemy speaks of them in the 33rd verse of his Centiloquy . And we shall speak further of this in the fourth book of our work; therefore we shall explain then, if God so wills it.

An image for an enduring love. Fashion two images, and place a fortune in the Ascendant, and the Moon in Taurus conjoined to Venus. And write on one image cifram - obviously the figure algorismi is of such a kind - 0-220 changes of positions, and write the figure itself in the other image in 284 positions and join the pair of images face to face, and there will be complete and enduring love between them.

An image that kings and nobles or whomever is desired shall love you. Fashion an image in the form and name of the one for whom the image is made. Make the Ascendant fortunate with a fortune that is not cadent, retrograde or combust, and with the Lord of the Ascendant placed strongly, in good condition and direct of motion, in his exaltation, and let the Lord of the Tenth aspect the Lord of the Ascendant by a trine or sextile aspect with strong reception; and let the Lord of the Ascendant be placed in a compelling sign and the Lord of the Tenth be in an obeying sign. And as long as he shall have the aforesaid image with him, he shall be loved and honored and whatever he requests of the king shall be given to him.

An image that a lord may be loved and always obeyed [by his subjects]. Fashion two images, of which one should be made in the hour of Jupiter, and the Moon well-aspected to the Sun and separated from the infortunes; and place the North Node of the Moon in the Ascendant. After this, fashion the other image placing the cusp of the fifth house of the first image as the Ascendant [of the second], and do this in the hour of Venus. And the North Node of the Moon should be placed in the Ascendant or aspect the Ascendant with a good aspect, and that in the hour of the Moon, with the Moon placed so that it is free from infortunes . And bury the images with some fixed star on the Ascendant in the hour of Saturn. And when you have done this, the lord shall be loved by all his subjects, and they will obey him.

An image that slaves might love their master. Let there be two images, of which one should be made in the hour of any of the superior planets and with the Moon increasing in light, with the North Node in the First, Fourth, Seventh or Tenth House. And fashion the second image in the hour of any of the inferior planets, and let the Ascendant [of the second image] be within the Tenth house of the first image, and let the South Node be placed in the First, Fourth, Seventh or Tenth houses. And when these two images have been made in this fashion, join them together face to face and bury them in the place of those whose love is desired.

An image to gain dignity from a lord or king. Fashion images, and make fortunate the Ascendant and Tenth and the Lord of the Ascendant. And likewise, remove the infortunes from the Ascendant and its lord, and place a fortune in the Eleventh house aspecting the Ascendant and its lord with a good and praiseworthy aspect; and with the lord of the Tenth aspecting the Lord of the Ascendant by a favorable aspect with reception. And when these images have thus been perfected, bear them with you in secret, allowing no-one to see them; and by them you will be aided and have the heart of the king and you shall receive whatever dignities or offices you may request of him, his officers or dignitaries.

An image to increase sales and profits. Fashion images, and make fortunate the Ascendant and the Tenth house and their lords, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Ascendant, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Tenth, the Moon and the lord of its house, as well as the Second house and its lord, and place the lord of the Second house in reception with the lord of the Ascendant by trine or sextile aspect, and place a fortune in the Second house, and place the Part of Fortune in the Ascendant or the Tenth house, and have the Lord of the Part of Fortune aspecting it with a good aspect. And when this image has thus been made, carry it with you, and hide it secretly so that none might see it, and you shall gain money in great quantities and have good fortune in all your undertakings.

An image for the augmentation of cities and that they may continue well. Fashion an image, and make fortunate the Ascendant and the Tenth and their lords, and let them be aspected by the fortunes, and make fortunate the lord of the Second house and the lord of the Eighth house, and place the Lord of the Ascendant well, and with the fortunes aspecting it, and make fortunate also the lord of the house of the lord of the Ascendant and the Moon and the lord of the house of the Moon. And in truth when this image is completed as has been said, bury it in the center of the city, and it shall be as you have desired.

An image to acquire the love of another. Fashion two images, of which one should be made in the hour of Jupiter with Virgo rising and the Moon waxing in light, and place it in the First, Fourth, Seventh or Tenth houses. Make the second image in the hour of Venus when Venus makes a good aspect to Jupiter. And the infortunes should be placed in cadent houses to the Ascendant, and let the Ascendant of the second image be the Seventh house cusp of the first image, and the lord of the Ascendant [of the second image] should aspect the lord of the Ascendant of the first image with a trine or sextile aspect. And when these images have been made as we have said, join them to one another face to face, and bury them in the place of the one from whom you seek love and preferment.

An image to aid the escape of those detained in prison. Fashion an image in the form of the one who is imprisoned that you wish to release in the hour of the Moon, with the Moon waxing in light, fast in motion and safe from the infortunes. Bury the image near the prison when the Ascendant is placed as the Tenth house of the city where the prisoners are detained.

An image to catch many fish. Fashion an image in the form of a fish which exists in your river, and make it with Pisces rising, and with Jupiter in it [the Ascendant], and the lord of the hour should be Venus. And make it in this fashion, fashion the head and body first, and after this the tail, and join them together in the aforesaid hour. And make a spike of pure silver, and place the image on the head of the spike; and fashion a pitcher or other vessel having a constricted mouth out of lead, and in the midst of this place the spike upright with the image of the fish at the top of it. Next fill the vessel with water and seal the mouth with wax that the water may not escape. After this, place the vessel in the bottom of the river. All the fish which live there shall be gathered together from every part [of the river].

An image to gather fish together. Alhanemi, who was wise and skilled and discovered the truth, said this in his book on these arts: make an image in the shape of a fish, and do this with the second face of Pisces rising, and let the Moon be with Mercury in the Ascendant. And do this in the hour of the Moon. And when this image has been properly made, place it in the river when you wish the fish to gather together, and you shall behold wonders as many fish gather together in that place.

An image for the driving away of scorpions. Fashion the image of a scorpion from the purest gold in the hour of the Sun, and place the Moon in the Ascendant, 4th, 7th or 10th houses in either Taurus, Aquarius or Leo (Leo is best, for the magic of its nature is contrary to scorpions). Let the Sun be also in Leo, and let Saturn be retrograde. Fashion the tail [of the scorpion] first, after this the legs, after this the claws , and finally the head. There are many diverse aspects in this [working], and you should know them well, for they may aid you in all such operations and workings. When the members [of the image] have been made in this manner, place the left claw in the place of the right, and the right foot in the place of the left foot, and place the head upright in the proper position and the tail likewise. After this has been done, fashion a spine and when this has been made in this manner, bury [the image] in a hole which has been bored into a stone. After this, bury the stone in a place high above the city(?), and [scorpions] shall flee from that place and not approach within 45 miles of it.

An image to heal the sting of scorpions. Fashion the image of a scorpion in bezoar stone, and do this in the hour of the Moon while the Moon is in the second face of Scorpio, and with Leo, Taurus or Aquarius rising. Afterwards let this stone be set in a ring of gold, and when it has been made thus, use it to mark incense under the aforesaid constellation. Give the one stung a drink made with incense marked by this seal and he will be healed immediately and all infirmity will be put aside.

An image that a man may be loved by women. Fashion the image of a maiden in a metal both cold and dry, and make this with Virgo rising and with Mercury being within the circle of his auge and being the almuten of the chart; this work should also be started in the hour of Mercury. In this manner the image should be completed. After this has been done, fashion another image in the likeness of a youth when Mercury is in Virgo and has returned to the place of the [Ascendant of the] first image, or is thus placed in Gemini, and beware of differing Ascendants- that is to say, if Mercury is in Gemini do not place Virgo on the Ascendant, and likewise if Mercury be in Virgo do not place Gemini on the Ascendant, but whichever sign is on the Ascendant let Mercury be in that sign likewise. When these two images have been made, bind them face to face and place them by hand into a high wall . And all of these things should be done in the hour of Mercury with Virgo or Gemini rising. Bind the image with a wire made of the same metal as the images, and bury it in the center of a city of great population. And when you have done this, men will joined to women and there shall be excellent love between them. Likewise, when someone seeks to be loved by another bury it (i.e., the joined images) in the place where you wish them to be joined together.

An image to make that physicians may profit. Fashion in a plate of tin the image of a man seated upon a throne, having the work of science , and make another image of a man standing on his feet and held before him a chamberpot as if seeking counsel on it. And fashion both images under an ascendant of Taurus or Libra, with Mars in the Ascendant and the North Node on the Midheaven. And when you have made it thus, set the plate bearing these images in the place where you wish people to come [to consult], and you shall behold the people miraculously carried to that place.

An image for the multiplication of crops and plants. Fashion in a plate of silver the image of a seated man with crops, trees and plants about him; and this should be made beneath an Ascendant of Taurus, and the Moon passing from the Sun against Saturn . And bury this [image] in the place you wish it to be, and all seeds and plants and the like will greatly increase and [it] will preserve [them] from destruction by animals, birds, tempests or any manner of thing which destroys crops.

An image for the healing of flaws in stones. Fashion the image of a lion in the purest gold, holding a stone in its hand as though dancing with it, and fashion it in the hour of the Sun with the first degree of the second face of Leo rising. And if you carry this tablet with you, you shall be instantly freed from weariness . And this has been proven by the most wise.

An image for the casting out of illness, melancholy and [the breaking of] enchantments. If you wish to remove mechanical infirmities of whatever kind you may wish, to strengthen health until it is quite strong, and to return evil spells upon their senders whenever you may wish to do so. Fashion an image of the purest silver in the hour of Venus, with the Moon being placed in the Ascendant, fourth, seventh or tenth house and aspecting Venus with a good aspect; and the lord of the sixth house should aspect a fortune with a trine or opposite aspect, and the lord of the 8th house should be in square aspect to Mercury. And beware that Mercury not be retrograde nor combust, nor receiving any aspect from an infortune. And this image should be fashioned in the final hour of the lord of the day , and the lord of the hour should be placed in the tenth house from the Ascendant. And when this image has been fashioned in this manner, the aforesaid infirmities will be driven away.


* Twenty Two Benefic Astrological Talismans from Picatrix..jpg

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* Twenty Two Benefic Astrological Talismans from Picatrix.jpg

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Ответ #11: 20 09 2010, 03:17:09 ( ссылка на этот ответ )

Extracts on the Moon from Picatrix

The Picatrix

Book I, Chapter 5, paragraph 34
translated by Christopher Warnock, Esq.

It is necessary to observe when casting images which are made for love and friendship that the Moon is fortunate and full of light and do not make something, as we have previously said, when the Moon is unfortunate and diminished in light.
Example of the same. Make images for love and delight and to visit kings and high lords in the day of the Moon [when the Moon is] increasing in light in Sagittarius, Taurus, Cancer or Pisces (and with the Head of the Dragon she is strong in works [of magic]) and always [when the Moon] is in a fortunate mansion and one appropriate for the work when the Moon is aspecting Venus in the hour of Jupiter when Jupiter is in Pisces, Sagittarius or Cancer and the Moon is [also] in those places.
And conversely make images for evil [when] the Moon is in a unfortunate mansion and with unfortunate planets or aspecting the same with a square or opposition. And when these [images] are made in such a way your work will be carried out in everything according to your wishes.

Book II, Chapter 3, paragraph 7

And draw your attention to the Moon in all works [of magic] as if it were the chief of all the other planets because it brings about evident manifestations and judgments [?] in all things in the world and it pertains to the power of generation and corruption and she is the mediatrix [female intermediary] in the advance of your work, receiving the influences and impressions of the stars and planets and pouring them out to the inferiors of this world.

Wherefore draw your attention to that which we have said before concerning her [being] fortunate and infortunate, increasing [waxing] and diminishing [waning] in light, because after separating from the Sun she secures his strength then she moves to be in a sextile, square, trine and opposition aspect. And she receives strength from the stars and planets when she is connected by the aspects we have mentioned before.
And if you find the Moon increasing in light then her strength and power is good and useful in all works to bring about increase and if you find the light [of the Moon] diminishing it is suitable and harmonious for all works in which you wish diminution.
And after the Moon separates from the conjunction of the Sun [New Moon] all the way up to a sinister [against the direction of the signs] square until it arrives at an opposition [Full Moon] it is always good and harmonious for buying and selling, trials and asking for the repayment of debts, debates and councils for everything you require.
And after separating from the opposition of the Sun and crossing to the dexter square all the way to the conjunction of the Sun it is good and appropriate to [pay] for debts that you owe and for those who keep possessions to return them to others and for wisdom and for asking and inquiring into truth.

* Extracts on the Moon from Picatrix.jpg

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Ответ #12: 20 09 2010, 03:21:34 ( ссылка на этот ответ )

Picatrix Planetary Ritual Clothing

The Picatrix

Book III, Chapter 3
translated by Christopher Warnock, Esq.

Here follow the colors of the clothing and vestments of the planets. The color of the vestments of Saturn are black and the best [fabric] is wool. The color of Jupiter is green and the best [fabric] is silk. The color of Mars is the flame of fire and the best [fabric] is silk. The color of the Sun is yellow gold and the best [fabric] is silk and yellow gold. The color of Venus is rose colored and the best [fabric] is silk. The color of Mercury is is many mixed colors and the best [fabric] is silk. The color of the Moon is shining white and the best [fabric] is silk or linne

Book III, Chapter 7

Saturn: Put on black clothes, namely the cloth used to wrap a corpse and a black cape in the mode of a doctor and black shoes.
Jupiter: Put on yellow and white clothing. Go to a place for your work that is separate, humble and appropriate to hermits or Christians. Put a crystal ring on your finder and wear a white cloak.
Mars: Put on red clothes and wear on your head red linen and silk or put a red hat on your head. Carry a sword on your neck [shoulders?] and protect yourself with all the [arms and armor] you are able and wear a ring in the form of a man about to go to law or a soldier on your finger.
Sun: Put on royal clothing. Silk, mixed with gold and put a gold crown on your head and a gold ring on your finger.
Venus: Put on the first or second styles and the best one is the robe and trappings of a noble Arab man. Wear white clothes and white cotton on your head because this is his [signature or seal]. Another style is that of woman. Wear long clothes of silk and gold mixed, precious and beautiful and on your head place a crown richly adorned with precious stones and pearls and on your hand a gold ring with pearls and on your arms wear bracelets of gold; in your right hand hold a mirror and in your left hand a comb. Put before you a jug of wine and in your clothing place crushed aromatics and odoriferous [incense or scent] in the way that women do.
Mercury: Dress yourself as a notary or scribe and act just as if you were a scribe...Sit in a seat, like the seat of a judge and turn your face towards it [?], with a [book or paper] in your hand looking like your wish to write.
Moon: Prepare yourself in the fashion of a young man and with something that smells good and in your hand have a ring of silver and your movement and work is smooth and elegant and your speech is distinguished, in a good style and to the point.

* LatinPicatrixFrontCover.jpg

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Ответ #13: 07 02 2012, 15:26:36 ( ссылка на этот ответ )

Гермес Трисмегист – первооткрыватель тайного знания

Идея о том, что все мифы и легенды когда-то имели реальную подоплёку, кажется весьма логичной, если очистить мифологию от сказочных элементов, наросших во время устной передачи легенд из поколения в поколение. Если бы этот процесс действительно можно было осуществить, очень многие тайны древней истории были бы раскрыты, а человеческую историю, возможно, пришлось бы переписать. На подобные мысли наталкивает, к примеру, такая загадочная мифологическая личность, как Гермес Трисмегист, ставший прообразом египетского бога Тота и римского Меркурия. Именно Гермес Трисмегист считается основателем гностической, масонской и каббалистической мысли, а также прародителем египетского и европейского оккультизма.
Историческая наука до сих пор теряется в догадках по поводу реальности существования Гермеса Трисмегиста. Слишком уж большой божественной силой наделяла его людская молва – считается, что именно им впервые была познана тайна истинной структуры Вселенной. К тому же, Гермес открыл людям философию, алхимию, геометрию, магию, медицину и многие другие сферы научного знания, превращаясь, таким образом, в одного из самых великих учителей человечества.

Скорее всего, Гермес Трисмегист – синкретический образ древних божеств и реально существовавшего египетского мага или мудреца, жившего приблизительно в ІІІ тысячелетие до н.э., ещё в додинастический период древнеегипетской истории. Его познания и умения настолько поразили египтян, что постепенно он превратился в воплощение Тота – бога с головой ибиса, покровителя знаний и письменности, именно ему было доверено взвешивание душ на посмертном суде. Древние греки, очень любившие перенимать египетские знания, позаимствовали также и образ Гермеса Трисмегиста, сделав его божеством, связующим мир людей и богов, которое впоследствии стало римским Меркурием. Возможно, крылатый посланник богов, доносящий до людей волю олимпийцев, метафорически изображает человека, которому доступно божественное знание, и который может открыть его смертным.

Важность образа Гермеса для мифологии не идёт ни в какое сравнение с тем, что эта фигура значит для оккультизма и эзотерики. Легенды приписывают Гермесу создание 20 тысяч книг, посвященных всем сферам людского знания. В частности, авторству Гермеса Трисмегиста принадлежит таинственная книга Тота, в которой собрано магическое знание, позволяющее человеку получить власть над силами природы. Также в этой книге описан процесс мистерии, который пробуждает в человеческом уме скрытые силы и позволяет ему узреть божественные сферы. Считается, что эта легендарная книга была утеряна вместе с большинством трактатов Трисмегиста во время сожжения александрийской библиотеки. то немногое, что удалось сберечь, стало либо достоянием секретных сообществ, либо было переписано раннехристианскими и гностическими авторами в первых столетиях нашей эры. Последний факт заставил многих исследователей считать философские и мистически трактаты Гермеса простой мистификацией. Менее скептически настроенные авторы утверждают, что настоящие творения Гермеса скрыты от общества тайными школами и доступны только посвящённым.

В самом первом трактате Гермеса, – «Божественный Пимандр», рассказывается об откровение, данному Трисмегисту самим Творцом и воплощением энергии жизни по имени Помандрес, представшим в виде колоссального огненного дракона. В своём видение Гермес узрел начало и конец Вселенной, появление жизни и человека, а также путь, с помощью которого человек может стать бессмертным и воспарить в высшие миры. Великий дракон возложил на Гермеса миссию донести до людей открытую ему истину. Но передавать это сакраментальное знание можно только избранным, душы которых уже озарены божественным светом. Как видно, в откровении Гермеса усматривается начало всей традиции передачи тайных знаний и разделение на эзотерику и экзотерику.

Существовал ли Гермес Трисмегист на самом деле, или же он является собирательным образом древнеегипетских мудрецов и посвящённых – загадка, стоящая в одном ряду с тайной Атлантиды. В любом случае, учение, приписываемое Гермесу Трисмегисту, стало главным источником вдохновение для многих поколений искателей, жаждущих выйти за пределы доступных обычному человеку знаний и лично осознать всю грандиозность истинного обличья мироздания.



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