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Опубликовано : 09 12 2011, 19:39:18 ( ссылка на этот ответ )

Mystery Man in the Little House

I never believed I would ever tell this, but this is what happened in May, 1979 to October 1980. I lived in small south central Ohio town, and being a new dad and a caring husband I wanted my wife to be happy. When my wife found the perfect little house just on the edge of town, I said okay.

Within days, my wife complained about someone looking in the back window most nights. I blamed it on moving and being alone at night as I work at day and went to school in in the evenings. This went on for a while, and I started to think my wife had a little bit of a problem.

I had always been an avid outdoorsman and as good hunter as any. I at first never saw any signs of anything around my house that caught my eye. As the time went on, my wife became more and more convinced that someone was outside looking through the window.

One Saturday mourning in late December I got up early and thought I might go for doughnuts. We had a one-car garage and the wife always parked her car there. So I grabbed her keys to make the the trip as it had snowed the night before.

I stepped into the garage and got in the car. As I started it up, I instinctively looked in the mirror. At first I blinked my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things, then I looked over my shoulder I saw two large black eyes looking back at me.

My blood ran cold. I revved the car and shot out of the garage. When the car stopped, I was looking for what was there. Nothing -- until I looked on the roof of the garage. There were large footprints going over the top of the roof.

I sat there thinking, What was that? I pulled back in and ran into the house. I was out of breath when I grabbed my grandfather's 3030 off the wall and loaded it for only the second time in my life. I knew whatever that was, a .22 or a shotgun wasn't going to bother it.

Waiting for good daylight, like any man who knew how to track, I called my best friend and hunting buddy and he came straight over. When He looked at the footprints on my garage roof, he knew it was no joke.

At 7:30 in the morning we went behind my house and was astounded by the size of the tracks. We stood there looking at each other. As my friend pulled out his Thompson mag pistol he said, "We ll find 'em."

Throughout the morning we followed the tracks until we came to a clearing. There on the next road over was a little house, and the tracks led right up to the back door. Walking around the little house, I knocked with no answer. Feeling we had solved the mystery, we walked to the end of the road and called my father for a ride home.

When my dad came and picked us up, we told him what happened. He said that the man that lived at the little house worked at a local tire shop. My father said he was a quiet man and very good at what he did; he came from Germany before WW2.

In the summer of 1980, my friend and I happened to go to the tire shop to see about an alignment for his car and to look into the eyes of this guy. We got what we came for and more. Looking at each other, we knew he knew us more than we knew him.

In October of 1980, my friend called and said, "I'm coming over. We are going for a ride." As we were going I said, "Okay, what's going on?"

He said, "You'll see."

When we drove down that road I said, "I know where you're going." He stopped me in mid-sentence and said, "He died. Wait till you see this."

We got to the house and a Deputy Sheriff was standing outside -- a guy we knew. He said, "Hey, you guys want to see something?"

My friend said, "Yeah, man."

As we we went into that house, the smell was that of many wet dogs. (I know because I have raised and trained dogs all my life.) The front of the house looked normal, but the back room was something I'll never forget. The walls were lined with three-sixteenth plate carbon steel and had deep scratches all over. On one wall there was a huge log chain bolted through the next wall. At that moment I looked at my friend and said, "No way!"

"Way," he said.



Ответ #1: 09 12 2011, 19:42:32 ( ссылка на этот ответ )

Saddam Hussein has been captured alive in Iraq. That will come as no surprise to many Iraqis who believe (perhaps not as strongly as they once did) that he never will die - because they believe Saddam is immortal.

As often happens with figures prominent in the news - especially figures as notorious as Saddam Hussein - stories, legends and rumors of a paranormal nature tend to surface. With regard to Saddam, some say he possesses mystical, super-human powers, that he is the reincarnation of a great ancient king, that he bio-engineered giant scorpions, and that was tinkering with alien UFO technology and even sheltered extraterrestrials.

Saddam and Nebuchadnezzar

Saddam believes he is the literal reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar II, according to "investigative mythologist" William Henry and others. Nebuchadnezzar II is considered by historians to have been one of the greatest kings of ancient Babylon (now Iraq), who ruled that land from 605 to 562 BC. Credited with building the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Nebuchadnezzar created an era of prosperity for Babylon, undertaking great construction projects, including temples, shrines, fortification walls and pyramids, and making Babylon the most powerful nation in the world. Saddam saw himself in the same role. "Saddam is saying he is the reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar," writes Henry in Saddam Hussein, the Stairway to Heaven and the Return of Planet X. "He is attempting to recreate and outdo the feats of the biblical king."

Although some researchers say Saddam only considers himself the latest in a line of great kings, in the tradition of Nebuchadnezzar, Henry contends there is evidence Saddam promoted himself as the actual reincarnated king:

"It is well known that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has connected himself with Nebuchadnezzar, spending over $500 million during the 1980s on the reconstruction and the re-establishment of ancient Babylon, the capitol of Nebuchadnezzar. Over sixty million bricks have been made to place in the walls of Babylon, each engraved with the inscription 'To King Nebuchadnezzar in the reign of Saddam Hussein.'"

Saddam and Planet X

William Henry also believes there is a connection between Saddam and Planet X, the alleged "12th Planet." This phantom planet, Nibiru, maintains Zecharia Sitchin in his many books on the subject, was the home of the Elohim - the gods of antiquity and Genesis - who created humanity through genetic manipulation.

"Saddam controls an asset infinitely more important and powerful than oil, or even, nuclear weapons," writes Henry. "He controls access to the temples that housed the history [of] humanity's origins, and potentially, the secrets of stargates. Buried deep beneath the sands of Iraq are the secrets of the Shining Ones of Planet X. Saddam's actions reveal that he knows the political value of these secrets."

Saddam and UFOs

The war in Iraq isn't about Iraqi freedom, eliminating weapons of mass destruction or even oil, say some UFO researchers. It's because Saddam possessed alien technology from a crashed UFO, and the U.S. didn't want him to have it.

It's a wild accusation that has its roots, perhaps, in a 1998 article that appeared in Joseph Trainor's UFO Roundup: "On Thursday, December 16, 1998, at 2:31 a.m. local time, 'a triangle-shaped pattern of lights' appeared over downtown Baghdad and was picked up by CNN's night-vision video camera. The lights hovered in position and moved slowly to the right, as Iraqi anti-aircraft tracer fire streaked away into the night." It was described as "a V-shaped formation like the one at Phoenix," Arizona on March 13, 1997.

Some UFO followers believe that flying saucer crashed in Iraq. "Top American secret agents have been worried since then that Iraqi president Saddam would break it down to find out how to build his own spaceship and weapons, they claim," said a New Zealand web article.

Then a story surfaced that an American F-16 had shot down a UFO over Saudi Arabia sometime during the 1990-91 Operation Desert Storm. The convoluted, mixed-up story says that the downed alien craft was recovered by the U.S. military and flown to the U.S., but that no alien bodies were found. The connection to Saddam is that the UFO was allegedly heading toward Baghdad when it was shot down. This, supposedly, bolstered the rumor that Saddam played host to extraterrestrials.

An Arab reporter named Mohammed Daud al-Hayyat is quoted as saying, "There are talks about extraterrestrials in Iraq... It is rumored at a market in Sulaimaniya, to the south of Zarzi, that aliens are Saddam's guests."

And another reporter, Mohammed Hajj al-Amdar, said, "Saddam gave the aliens sanctuary, so that they couldn't be captured by Americans. They say that the aliens created 'watchdogs' for Saddam. The aliens took ordinary desert scorpions and used their bio-engineering to grow the scorpions to giant size. Scorpions of a cow-size! They are wonderful watchdogs: they blend in with the desert, swiftly and silently move on their warm-blooded prey for a decisive attack. Luckless intruders hear just some strange sound from behind stones, then a pincer crushes their necks, another pincer crushes their legs; then the victims is slammed to the ground and beaten with a barbed tail six or seven times. Death comes almost immediately."

Saddam, the Immortal

According toan interesting article by Sudarsan Raghavan for Mercury News, many Iraqis believe that Saddam Hussein cannot be killed. It is a belief that has been reinforced by his uncanny ability to survive whatever bombs we drop on him. He survived (or was allowed to survive, depending on who you listen to) the first Gulf War, slipping through George Bush Sr.'s grip and remaining in power. Then he managed to evade the heavy bombs dropped in the early days of this "War for Iraqi Freedom" when coalition forces had reliable intelligence that he was meeting with his cabinet in a certain government building. Even now that he has been captured, many Iraqis remain convinced that Saddam is immortal.

What gives him this mystical power? A magic blue stone.

Saddam had this magic stone made, so the story goes, by his favorite fortuneteller not long after he came to power 24 years ago. To be sure the stone was effective, it was tested first with a chicken. The stone was somehow placed inside the chicken, then a soldier fired at it at point-blank range. All of its feathers were blown off, but the protected chicken survived. So Saddam had the magic stone implanted in the upper section of one of his arms, protecting him from any assault, including bullets and bombs.

"That belief," writes Raghaven in the article, "common throughout Iraq, presents uncommon challenges for U.S. and British forces as they try to persuade Iraqis that Saddam is gone and will not return. Without a body to display, it may be impossible to overcome the mythical creation of a propaganda apparatus that was bent on showing he was a worthy heir to a long line of Babylonian kings."

An Iraqi army deserter named Adnan Mohammad Yousef told Raghaven that Saddam has seven lives and cannot die. He illustrated that belief with a story about an attempted assassination of Saddam by one of his Republican Guard. When the soldier pointed the gun at the dictator and pulled the trigger, it jammed. Saddam then allegedly grabbed the gun, pointed it at the soldier, saying, "This is how you do it," and shot him dead.

His capture has shown that Saddam has once again escaped death - magic blue stone or no.

What are we to make of these somewhat comical tales of Saddam and the paranormal? At best they should be taken with a Gibralter-sized grain of salt or, at the least, extreme skepticism, if considered at all. They are undoubtedly examples of how government propaganda machines can use paranormal themes and superstition to instill fear, maintain control and further a cause.

* Saddam Hussein.jpg

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Последнее редактирование: 09 12 2011, 19:45:02 от professor




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